Holly Tate is the job and internship developer for Eugene and Springfield, connecting local businesses to the University Career Center for opportunities to engage with students through part-time jobs, internships, career fairs, networking opportunities, and career readiness workshops. She is passionate about helping employers develop new internship opportunities and growing the number of young professionals who call Eugene and Springfield home after graduation. She also serves as the Engagement Manager for the UCC helping get the word out to students, faculty, staff, and employers about career readiness events and initiatives.
Holly is a transplant from Alabama and Texas, and earned her bachelor's in communications from the University of North Alabama, and her master’s in higher education student affairs administration from Baylor University. Prior to joining the Career Center team, Holly worked in international service learning and traveled with college students all around the world. When she’s not helping employers revise job postings or brainstorming recruitment strategies, Holly enjoys reading, listening to podcasts, and exploring Oregon and the Pacific Northwest any chance she gets.