Craig Wiroll (he/they) is a career readiness coach for the University Career Center. He is a first-generation student who earned a BA in journalism from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and a Master of Public Administration degree from the University of Oregon.
After beginning his career adventures at Pizza Hut in his hometown of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, he has been an organic farmer, waterfall restorer, non-profit executive director, White House intern, educator, baseball coach, vacuum salesperson, public radio producer, international YouTube content creator, startup founder, bus driver, journalist, chainsaw technician, elephant rehabilitation specialist, and tech + media philanthropist. Craig also serves on the Governor's Commission for Public Service: OregonServes, and is an AmeriCorps (VISTA and NCCC) and Peace Corps alum.
His favorite roles to date include being an uncle to his niblings Sam and Ty and a father to his cat, Dr. Dentist. When not career coaching or doing random side hustles, Craig enjoys living out of his 2005 Saturn VUE in national parks and small towns while road-tripping across the US.
"If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it.” –William Wonka