So, you need to find a part-time job? On-and off-campus jobs and work-study experiences help you gain new skills, make connections (and money!), and add valuable work and career readiness competencies to your résumé. There are all kinds of opportunities out there—you just have to know how, when, and where to find them! Use these tips below to help you get started:
- When looking for a fall job, plan ahead! Many fall jobs are posted in Handshake during spring and summer! Some of the most popular positions might be filled before the fall term even starts, so make sure to be checking Handshake early and often (See #2 to activate your free account!), and follow UO departments and community organizations you might want to work for so you get alerts whenever they have new openings. For example, if you were interested in being a barista as a University Dining Student Food Service Worker, applications are posted in May, but you can apply throughout the fall term as there are still openings. However, if you wanted to be a Group Fitness Instructor for UO PE & Recreation, the applications expire in May for fall employment, so if you start looking in September, it is probably too late. There are still PLENTY of awesome jobs open on campus and within a walk/bike/bus ride—check out this curated Handshake job query to see who’s hiring. New jobs are added daily!
- Handshake is your first stop for finding part-time employment and work- study opportunities on campus and around town. If you haven’t already, activate your Handshake account and fill out your profile so Handshake can personalize its recommendations to fit your needs. You can customize your search on the Jobs page by filtering on criteria such as for on- and off-campus jobs, part-time positions, internships and work-study. To find positions designated as on-campus jobs, click the “On-Campus” filter. You can do the same for “Work-Study” filter, if you’d like to utilize work-study funds you received in your financial aid package. Watch this video or read this deeper dive for pointers on how to search for jobs on Handshake.
- Not sure who’s hiring? Ask around! Are there departments or services on campus or a favorite place you like to eat or shop that you’d like to work for? While many local businesses utilize Handshake, they might also have signs in their windows right now and are hiring on the spot! Walk around downtown or campus hot spots with a couple copies of your résumé and you might find some great fits. It’s also okay to give them a call or send an email and see if they’re hiring. Local employers love hiring students and are willing to be flexible around your class schedule.
- Want to use your work-study funding? There are some jobs that are reserved just for students with work-study funding. If you see the words “Required Work-Study” or “Work-Study Preferred” on a job posting, you can use your funds there (you can also filter by “Work-Study”)! While many of these positions are going to be on campus, there are some local non-profit agencies like the Boys and Girls Club of Emerald Valley and the 4J BEST for Success Afterschool where you can use your work-study funds as well to tutor kids! Students may work up to 25 (20 for international students) hours a week while classes are in session and receive a monthly paycheck (based on an hourly wage) that they can use for educational expenses. To learn more about work-study check out the Work-Study FAQ or check out this quick query to see all the current Work-Study positions on and off campus.
- Do you have specific academic areas of interest? Check with your home academic department about paid research opportunities. CURE (Center for Undergraduate Research and Engagement) is a great resource to know about. You can also find some research positions on Handshake by filtering for “Experiential Learning” or visiting CURE’s profile.
- Want leadership experience? There are lots of leadership positions on campus such as through the ASUO, and some departments on campus have student advisory boards—see the Counseling Center, the Dean of Student’s Office and Rec Center to name a few. While these are not typically paid positions they are a great way to gain leadership skills and many provide stipends, which give a fixed monthly sum of money in exchange for service. These positions are often posted in Handshake and found by filtering for “Experiential Learning” or “Volunteer”.
- How’s your résumé? Whether you’re a first-time résumé writer or seasoned professional, check out the University Career Center’s résumé and cover letter resources as most employers will ask for a copy of your résumé. You can also make an appointment with a Career Readiness Coach to get personalized feedback on your documents. We look forward to working with you!
The University Career Center is here to help you find great part-time jobs! Make an appointment with a Career Readiness Coach to learn how to search for jobs and make a plan for how to integrate part-time employment, internships, and more into your UO experience!